Thursday, September 26, 2019

Media Campaign analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Campaign analysis - Essay Example Don’t Smoke†, the health media campaign against cigarette smoking. Various aspects of smoking in relation to health of youth in the community will be discussed. Phillip Morris’ youth smoking prevention â€Å"Think. Don’t Smoke† (Morris, 2001) campaign which was widely publicised by media, is available online for school children and youth at SchoolTube (2009). The short video encourages children and young people to stop wasting their time and their life in smoking, and urges them to stop and The main reasons for searching for the online anti-smoking health campaign â€Å"Think. Don’t Smoke† was to address the issue of child and youth smokers in the community. Keen interest in helping the community overcome important hurdles is the reason for undertaking investigation and identification of this major addictive behavior among young people. The dangerous habit of smoking calls for strong preventive measures. Personally, as a non-smoker and firm believer in abstinence from smoking, one considers it imperative that the most susceptible age group should be educated and encouraged to refrain from smoking. Moreover, the untimely passing away of grandparents due to lung cancer has been a close and sorrowful encounter with the devastating outcomes of smoking. Hence, there is a keen interest in reaching out to the maximum number of people possible, to help save them from a downward health spiral. The SchoolTube (2009) anti-smoking campaign â€Å"Think. Don’t Smoke† is simply presented, with a number of people voicing their opinions against smoking, in a brief, effective manner. It can be easily understood and retained even by young children. A far-reaching and strong anti-smoking campaign through posters to be put up at schools and public places, will include the link to the SchoolTube (2009) campaign, for online access by school children and young people. This will be a large-scale community venture, with motivating speeches to be delivered at

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